Saturday, February 9, 2008

Whose is Mumbai?

The recent tensions involving animosity towards people from out of Maharastra has really left most people embarassed, shocked and incredulous, as well as sad.

Are these the same people who proudly mention that Mumbai is the costliest office space in the world?

Are these the same people who aspire to make Mumbai the gateway to the east due to its strategic location?

Are these the same people who do not understand immigration is the lifeblood of growth and a method to allow the best of the best to contribute towards making a city, a nation thrive and prosper?

Your comments are invited to stir up a healthy debate on this. I as a non-Marathi would like to understand the background behind such thought process.

Understanding this aspect of why a fraction of people still beleive in the concept of Maharastra as a separate entity from India would provide a background to new comers to first understand what was the historical reason behind this mind set and what are the current day dynamics that necessitate this quasi-protectionist outcry?

I would ask any body with a back ground on the "Mumbai for Marathas" concept to give a background to me and all who read this and provide a starting ground for debate to capture the pulse of public opinion on this topic.

-- Manas

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